Banca de DEFESA: Sidnei Sousa Costa

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Sidnei Sousa Costa
DATE: 17/07/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Híbrido - Plataforma TEAMS e Sala 35 IL

Lima Barreto: the Literature and “Fera Ferida” soap opera


Lima Barreto. The soap opera “Fera Ferida”. Grotesque on television. Transposition of the literary text to the soap opera. Intermediality.

PAGES: 206
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

This research aims at studying the black character in Lima Barreto's literature and analyze its shift from transmediality to soap opera. The perspective is to identify how the city and the black character were portrayed and are the basis of connection between the fictional universe and the humanistic perception in the Brazilian social context, transposed to the soap opera “Fera Ferida” (1994) of the Globo Television Network. Lima Barreto's work portrays the city and the individuals of a society that excludes and marginalizes them. Our intention is to verify how the thought of Muniz Sodré and Ortega and Gasset, in the works “O Império Grotesco” and The revolt of the masses (1930, first edition), contributed to the understanding of the text that transits between media and other kinds of art of Lima Barreto’s literary universe to the script and performance in the soap opera “Fera Ferida”. The analysis will be centered, above all, on the study of the social, cultural, political conjunctures at the time and in the context of the soap opera's reception in the early 1990s. The script is authored by Agnaldo Silva, Ana Maria Moretz and Ricardo Linhares. It was presented by the Globo Television Network in 221 chapters, from November 15, 1993 to July 16, 1994. The initial plot was based on the adaptation of the short story “A Nova Califórnia” (1915, first edition) by Lima Barreto. In addition to this founding narrative, the other short stories and novels by Lima Barreto were used to develop the plot. the short stories “O homem que sabia Javanês” (1911), “Memórias de Isaías Caminha” (1917), “Numa e Ninfa” (1915, first edition) and “Clara dos Anjos” (1948, first edition) were among them. In the literary texts and in the adaptation for the soap opera, we are interested in identifying the black body, verifying how it is treated by the author in the literary universe and how the reception occurred in the transposition to the soap opera Therefore, we will address every aspect of literary construction that may be of interest to the research objectives.

Externa à Instituição - SORAIA LIMA ARABI - UFMT
Externo ao Programa - ***.403.618-** - EDUARDO GOMOR DOS SANTOS - UnB
Externo ao Programa - 2724427 - JUAN PEDRO ROJAS - nullExterna à Instituição - KASSANDRA DA SILVA MUNIZ - UFOP
Presidente - 1705487 - SIDNEY BARBOSA
Notícia cadastrada em: 07/07/2023 18:30
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