Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Anna Isabel Santos Freire

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Anna Isabel Santos Freire
DATE: 30/08/2023
TIME: 10:00

In(de)scribed bodies: the unlikely testimony of violence in novels by Emecheta, Coetzee and Buarque de Holanda


bodies; violence; testimony; Buchi Emecheta; J. M. Coetzee; Chico Buarque de Holanda

PAGES: 125
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

In this study, I resort to different theoretical references that question the rational binarism of legitimation of “logophalocentric” power, to compare the novels Second Class Citizen (1974), by the Nigerian Buchi Emecheta, Waiting for the Barbarians (1980), by the South African J. M. Coetzee, and Leite derramado (2009), by the Brazilian Chico Buarque de Holanda. In this sense, paying attention to the voices of the narrators, throughout this analysis, we notice that only bodies considered virile have the power to name, the power to violate and the power to testify. Such observation constitutes the center of the analytical reading proposed here. To do so, I examine here the different narrative choices and how these distinctions are related to the extinction of virility, since J.M. Coetzee and Chico Buarque are narrated in first person and Emecheta's novel is narrated in third person. Such observations lead me to consider that the relations between the bodies of the main characters and the bodies of the texts merge, as a mechanism of the narrative, to show who, when and which bodies have and which do not have the power to name . This narrative dynamic exposes literature as an institution that has the power to legitimize language as a repository of power, and is heir to a logophalocentric and bourgeois production, after all they are novels. My argument intends to question the virile and to think of a way to highlight the relation of potency in the rational sense. The body, in fact, exists as a tracker, marking itself with life and translating the marks as a way of living, of writing its history. Even using the language and language of the oppressor, the body weaves webs that are inscribed in a displaced way and show the “undressing of power” so that, through language, due to specific choices of some narrative elements, it is possible to observe the violence imposed on certain bodies through the very impossibility of these bodies to name, to testify.

Presidente - 2015546 - ANNA HERRON MORE
Interno - 1475238 - PIERO LUIS ZANETTI EYBEN
Externa à Instituição - TANIA FERREIRA REZENDE - UFG
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/08/2023 16:24
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