Banca de DEFESA: Ricardo Primo Portugal

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ricardo Primo Portugal
DATE: 28/11/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Sala 37 do Instituto de Letras

O VÓRTEX DA TRADUÇÃO: Ezra Pound e a escritura poética chinesa


Classical Chinese poetry. Untranslatability of poetry. Creative transposition (transcreation). Ezra Pound’s Cathay. Vorticism and modernist avant-gards. Translation and historical memory, after Walter Benjamin

PAGES: 120
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

This dissertation discusses specific aspects of the translation of poetry in Chinese characters into phonetic languages, considering that the translation of classical Chinese poetry puts in evidence the essential untranslatability of poetry and, by extension, its actual completion as creative transposition. In this sense, it identifies the pioneering role of Ezra Pound in the creative translation of poetry in Chinese characters into Western languages, through theoretical exposition and the comparative discussion of specific poems of Pound´s “Cathay”, inaugural work of modernist artistic translation. It also pinpoints the American poet as a precursor in relation to theories and conceptions developed by today´s most influential translation studies’ scholars, as well as their alignment with the theoretical tradition that arises, at least, from the thinkers who inaugurate modernity in the reflection on arts and literature, the so-called first German Romanticism or Jena thinkers, encompasses the philosophical work of Walter Benjamin, and meets today philosophers, translation specialists and linguists such as Jacques Derrida, Antoine Berman, Roman Jakobson, Haroldo de Campos, François Cheng. It is also proposed in this work to venture an approach to the task of the translator of poetry based on the theses On the Concept of History, by Walter Benjamin.

Presidente - 7404567 - HENRYK SIEWIERSKI
Externo à Instituição - MARCELO PAIVA DE SOUZA - UFPR
Externa ao Programa - 3220871 - MARLOVA GONSALES ASEFF - nullExterno ao Programa - 2220187 - PAWEL JERZY HEJMANOWSKI - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/10/2023 14:45
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