Banca de DEFESA: Claudia Pereira Costa

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Claudia Pereira Costa
DATE: 31/12/2023
TIME: 18:00
LOCAL: Sala 35 IL

Self-writing as memory: epistolary romance and autobiography by Natalia Ginzburg


Self-writing; Epistolary Romance; Memory; Natalia Ginzburg.

PAGES: 118
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

The objective of this research is to observe, in the epistolary novels by Natalia Ginzburg, Dear Michael (2010), Familiar Lexicon (2018), The Little Virtues (2020) and The Manzoni Family (2017), the elements that permeate the self-writings and which intertwine the intimate, the writer's familiarity, in a historical and social context of an Italy which experienced Mussolini's dictatorship. About the discussion about self-writing, Foucault (1992), Lejeune (year), Klinger (2006) and Luiz Costa Lima (2002) were used as it was noted that Natalia Ginzburg makes use of these artifacts to create the effect of memory in their narratives. Furthermore, this research was also dedicated briefly to presenting the meeting place between the work Dear Michael by Natalia Ginzburg and In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. The writer presents reading paths using enigmas to reach the core of memories and using Proust as a return element in her text in a cyclical way. As a result, she links herself to the text first. In this way, the first chapter of this work presents a discussion about the perspectives of self-writing, memories and the limits and impasses between autofiction and autobiography. In the second chapter is observed the creative techniques used by the writer in Dear Michael as a unique care is detectable in the letters presented in the production. The third and final chapter indicate how the time is worked and described in classics from Marcel Proust and Pierre Choderlos de Laclos and how Natalia Ginzburg articulated and treated this matter in her works. Therefore, self-writing stands out as a driving force for plot construction due to generate an austerity between reader and character, for making a game or reassembling a puzzle through a literature genre that dialogues time and space, the self and the other, the individual and the collective, and reveals the place of the memory in Ginzburg’s epistolary novel.

Presidente - ***.134.861-** - ELGA IVONE PEREZ LABORDE LEITE - UnB
Externo à Instituição - JUCELINO DE SALES - SEEDF
Externa à Instituição - MARIA VERALICE BARROSO - UnDF
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/12/2023 14:36
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