Banca de DEFESA: Murilo Luiz e Castro Santana

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Murilo Luiz e Castro Santana
DATE: 30/09/2022
TIME: 09:00

Strategies to protect ichthyofauna in the approximation of hydroelectric plant generating units


Suction tube; turbine stop; fishes.

PAGES: 118
AREA: Ciências Ambientais

Brazil has a potential for harnessing potential energy, which is essential for the development of various activities. The assessment of possible environmental impacts and mitigation is essential in plants generating hydraulic systems. Despite this understanding, there is a limited amount of information on the methods of ichthyofauna in relation to hydraulic and efficient solutions for containment and/or suction repulsion during shutdowns or untimely generating units. The objective of this research is to identify practical applications for the minimization of negative impacts to the ichthyofauna during the operation of a hydroelectric project. Therefore, it is necessary to ask about the taxonomic aspects and functional attributes of the hydroelectric fish species that are made to help in a better understanding of the card approximation of the power plant structures. Because they are part of the general dynamics of different environments and perform essential functions. This work addresses the operational strategy of evaluating the type of hydraulic flow associated with real-time presence and permanence of fish in the suction tube using a hydroacoustic system, during generator stops in the tube. To avoid manual rescues, physical trauma and death to the ichthyofauna. In addition, the taxonomic and confined diversity in the developmental and behavioral tube was functional for the adaptation of the structural force in the downstream areas of the behavioral hydraulic force in the downstream areas. The application machining machining of great importance and robust for the impacts and protection of the machining of robust machining in the approach of large electrical units.

Externo à Instituição - ÉZIO SARGENTINI JUNIOR - INPA
Externo à Instituição - FELIPE ANDRÉ DOS SANTOS - UNESP
Presidente - 1644727 - LUIZ FABRICIO ZARA
Interno - 2275533 - LUIZ FELIPPE SALEMI
Notícia cadastrada em: 31/08/2022 10:51
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