Banca de DEFESA: Giancarlo Brugnara Chelotti

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Giancarlo Brugnara Chelotti
DATE: 17/07/2023
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência

Space-Time Analysis of Urban Occupancy in the Distrito Federal, Brazil, and of the Potential for Identification of Terrain Features through New Remote Sensing Technologies


urbanization, spatial patterns, urban area, vegetation, remote sensing, classification

AREA: Multidisciplinar

Changes in land use affect ecosystems, generating impacts from local to global levels. These changes occur by both urban and rural expansions. In recent years, the magnitude of these impacts is becoming increasingly evident. The land occupation pattern in the Distrito Federal (DF) of Brazil is characterized by the presence of a large extension of consolidated and expanding urban areas, mainly from the beginning of the 1990s. Many of these expanding areas are irregular, composed by invasions and subsequent subdivisions of public areas for urban land speculation of areas originally intended for rural occupation. This disordered occupation has caused several negative environmental impacts. The objective of this study is to analyze the historical pattern of urban occupations in the DF, based on remote sensing data and identification of patterns, vectors, impacts, and trends. In addition, we evaluated a new remote sensing technology for identifying and monitoring the native vegetation and rural areas of the DF. This study consists of two chapters organized in the form of articles, with an introduction, methodology, results, discussions, and conclusions suitable for individual submission to scientific journals. The first chapter presents the spatial evolution of the urban area of the DF in the last sixty years, its main vectors, patterns, and impacts on the landscape. The second chapter presents an analysis of the potential of high spatial resolution, monthly mosaics acquired by the constellation of PlanetScope (PS) nanosatellites for discriminating different types of the vegetation cover in the Cerrado biome, having the DF as the case study. Thus, the first chapter focused on urban area while the second chapter emphasized rural area and native vegetation of the DF. The results of the first chapter showed that the DF is still in significant urban expansion, with no signs of decreasing. The main factors that direct the shape of the urban sprawl and limit its growth are the environmental, followed by the topographic, and then, the normative, demonstrating that landscape metrics are an efficient method of analyzing urban evolution. The second article showed that the PS monthly mosaics are efficient to identify different types of land use and land cover classes. In addition, they are able to identify seasonal changes in land cover resulting from agricultural activities.

Externa ao Programa - 1248799 - ANDREIA DE ALMEIDA - UnBExterno à Instituição - CARLOS ANTONIO DA SILVA JUNIOR - UNEMAT
Presidente - ***.617.098-** - EDSON EYJI SANO - UnB
Externa à Instituição - JOSELISA MARIA CHAVES - UEFS
Notícia cadastrada em: 10/07/2023 09:32
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