Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Solana Irene Loch Zandonai

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Solana Irene Loch Zandonai
DATE: 19/08/2022
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Ambiente Virtual - Microsoft Teams

Practices, technologies and market: ecoterritorial perspectives in native seed-collecting in Cerrado


native seed-collecting, neo-extractivism, ecoterritoriality, relationality, women.

AREA: Multidisciplinar

This research intends to investigate the relational dynamics between practices, technologies and the market in the native seed-collecting in the Cerrado. For this, the Cerrado de Pé Association is considered as an investigative locus on collection, which brings together collectors from family agriculture, quilombola communities and the urban environment, in the micro-region of Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park. The relational dimension between the research categories is supported by the discussion on relational ontologies by Escobar (2014). This is a way to discuss how nature-culture relationships are established in the native seed-collecting. In addition, in the Association, women are the majority and are the protagonists of the way in which the seed-collecting is carried out. Therefore, it is also interesting to investigate nature-culture relations from the perspective of women. The research qualifies as a case study, which will combine field observation and semi-structured interviews. The proposition to be discussed, in view of the investigation fronts, is that the collection of seeds is a dimension of confronting neo-extractivism. In this sense, Svampa (2019) identifies the ecoterritorial turn as a trend of social movements and traditional communities in favor of issues about land, territory and environment. In this logic, different nature-culture relationships are established in models that challenge the neo-extractivism precept of exploitation of natural resources. Faced with the socio-ecological crisis and an unequal social structure of access to land, it is essential to investigate possibilities of continuity of the livelihoods of the communities that historically inhabit the Cerrado.

Externo à Instituição - ROBERTO DONATO DA SILVA JR.
Presidente - 1324168 - DORIANA DAROIT
Externa ao Programa - 1706943 - JANAINA DEANE DE ABREU SA DINIZ
Notícia cadastrada em: 10/08/2022 15:52
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