Banca de DEFESA: Jacqueline Moreno Gomes Guimarães

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Jacqueline Moreno Gomes Guimarães
DATE: 20/03/2024
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: A bA Banca será híbrida, na verdade, porque o membro externo encontra-se em outro estado

The civil society involvement in the Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities


smart cities; digital sovereignty; hybrid democratic innovation; civil society; CBCI

PAGES: 175
AREA: Multidisciplinar

The expansion of the smart cities agenda in Brazil is intertwined in a complex and diversified ecosystem of actors, permeated by conflicts, disputes and unequal power relations between governments, companies, universities, social organizations and citizens. Although the concept of smart cities is multifaceted, the dominant version today is little critical: it prioritizes technologies and business, as if technological solutions could readily solve the urban problems of more than 5,000 Brazilian municipalities. However, Brazilian organized civil society is also actively mobilizing to warn about the risks of dependence on Big Techs and ICTs, offering alternatives to direct the use of technologies or contesting them to ensure territorial development and the well-being of citizens. In this sense, one of the promises of the smart cities agenda is to facilitate the participation of multiple actors for urban development. However, doubts persist as to the real social engagement in smart cities. In view of this, the objective of this research is to analyze the participation of civil society organizations in the preparation of the Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities (CBCI), developed through a technical cooperation between the Brazilian government and the German government, in a political context of low social participation. Launched in 2020, CBCI expresses a public agenda, establishing a local concept and outlining guidelines for the implementation of smart cities in the country. Its drafting process began in 2019 and involved representatives from different sectors of society. The research is anchored in a technopolitical and critical approach to smart cities and is guided by the mixed method from the combination of bibliographic research techniques, documentary research, descriptive statistics and interviews with public managers and civil society. The results show that the participation of civil society organizations is reduced compared to other sectors, with a predominance of specialized organizations with a significant cultural capital, to the detriment of popular movements, stigmatized groups and more critical voices. Although the process was well structured, facilitating debates and demonstrations, the means used restricted the involvement to groups with more resources, without fully exploiting the potential of technologies to overcome these barriers. The participation of CSOs, even if limited, leads to an incorporation of more inclusive aspects by the CBCI, but without providing, often, specific guidelines that can prevent processes of exclusion, discrimination and mass surveillance. Finally, the participation of CSOs contributes to a greater acceptance of the concept, which is reflected in its inclusion in the National Urban Development Policy, although it is still a controversial concept in the public debate..

Externo à Instituição - LALITA KRAUS - UFRJ
Externa ao Programa - 2377637 - CHRISTIANA SOARES DE FREITAS - nullPresidente - 1716160 - LUIZ FERNANDO MACEDO BESSA
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/02/2024 11:29
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