Banca de DEFESA: Aisha Sayuri Agata da Rocha

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Aisha Sayuri Agata da Rocha
DATE: 02/10/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: FACE, sala de reuniões n. 2
FLOURISHING BETWEEN THE VISIBLE AND THE INVISIBLE: the presence and participation of women of African descent in Argentina

Black feminisms; Black women; Afrolatinamerican; Argentina; AfroArgentin; Social movements; Feminism

PAGES: 167
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Ciência Política
This dissertation investigates the participation of Afro women in Argentina, considering the invisibility of the Afro-descendant population and the visibility of feminisms in the country. Based on the question "how have women of African descent met and built their articulation in Argentina?", the research aims to understand how Afro women have built their own political and collective spaces since 2016, with the taller on women of African Descent at the National Women's Encounter in Rosario. Constructed mainly from a field trip, with interviews and participant observation, carried out in July 2021, as well as a bibliographical and documentary review, this dissertation develops on an AfroLatinAmerican feminist perspective on the struggles for participation of women of African descent in Argentina, addressing their strategies and main areas of action. To demonstrate such struggles as a form of practical realisation of a critical human rights perspective, Afro women - marginalised and erased from Argentinian society - are placed at the centre and as the main subjects of a confrontation with the modern/colonial gender system. Through their bodies, they mobilise other territorialities and perspectives, which directly seek to fight for their human rights by proposing transformations in Argentinian society and power projects. Women of African descent are building new social movements, seeking recognition and social justice, and mobilising their bodies-territories in the streets for their right to appear and actively participate in building other forms of recognition, collective memory, representation and participation for the population of African descent

Presidente - 2132634 - ANA PAULA ANTUNES MARTINS
Externa à Instituição - Ana Claudia Jaquetto Pereira
Externa ao Programa - ***.783.538-** - RENATA MELO BARBOSA DO NASCIMENTO - UnB
Externo ao Programa - 1549209 - THIAGO GEHRE GALVAO - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 14/09/2023 14:00
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