Political Environmental Education; School Environmental Education; Public Policy Cycle.
Political Environmental Education; School Environmental Education; Public Policy Cycle.
Environmental Education (EE) corresponds to a polysemic field as a result of struggles that attribute different meanings for the human beings-environment-society relationship. This thesis project focuses on School EA and understands it as Political Education. It starts from a critical perspective that seeks, in a political sense, participation in decision-making, starting from the collective, the peaceful resolution of socio-environmental conflicts and equity in the use of environmental goods. From the National Environmental Education Policy (PNEA), public policies of the Federal Government emerged that seek to take root in schools, such as ProNEA, the Children and Youth Conferences for the Environment and the action of Educator Collectives in the Territory. In other instances of the federation, municipalities and states also carry out actions that are guided by the principles of the PNEA. In this thesis project, we aim to analyze the path of public policies on school environmental education to the floor of schools in the interior of Goiás. We aim to answer the following research question: How do public policies on School EA reach the floor of public schools in the interior of Goiás? Goiás and are interpreted? We use authors from the field of EA as a theoretical-methodological reference to adhere to a conception of EA as Political Education. It was also necessary to venture into the field of Educational Policies, which led us to the Policy Cycle Approach of Stephen Ball and collaborators, who discuss a fluid and dynamic perspective regarding the formulation of public educational policies. In the methodological design, the investigation is in an Exploratory Phase from which we present a crossroads regarding the directions of the research to be debated in the qualification exam. In the Initial Survey, which makes up the exploratory phase, we visited state and municipal primary and secondary education schools in Orizona/GO with the aim of verifying the presence of EA and how it takes root in actions. The data produced led us to two programs: “Agrinho”, which has reached municipal schools and “SEDUC Cerrado”, present in state schools. In order to better understand these programs, we held informal conversations with those responsible for them. We identified that, for municipal schools, Agrinho has been considered a public EA policy by the Municipal Department of Education. Notably, it is a project managed by the private sector and incorporated into a public environment given the absence of its own policies. The SEDUC Cerrado program covers state schools throughout Goiás. It is prepared by the State Department of Education itself, whose organizational structure covers EA in one axis of action.