Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 27/04/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Presencial - Sala 35 do IL

A look at the linguistic journey of the bilingual deaf: the importance of the acquisition of libras (L1) in the construction of world knowledge and the learning of written portuguese (L2)


Acquisition; first language; second language; bilingual education; deaf

PAGES: 220
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Lingüística

This research is based on the premise that the innate ability to acquire and learn languages is inherent to the human being, hence the ease with which a deaf child acquires sign language, simply by being exposed to it, because the differences of the deaf come from the linguistic issue. Our goal is to demonstrate the need for the deaf child to acquire Libras (Brazilian Sign Language), from the earliest age, and from there, have access to information and knowledge, including written Portuguese as a second language. To this end, we present the need for a careful look at the linguistic journey of deaf students through a comprehensive analysis of current legislation, which guarantees the deaf student the right to bilingual education and a panorama of theoretical nature on studies related to the processes of acquisition and learning of first and second language, focusing on bilingualism of the deaf. We understand that only through a qualitative interpretative methodology, it is possible to hear the voices of all actors involved in deaf education, especially listening to the deaf themselves and their families, regarding the process of acquiring and learning Libras and written Portuguese as a second language. Thus, through semi-structured interviews, conducted in inclusive schools and in a bilingual school, with managers, teachers, family members and deaf, we made each of these actors visible so that, by triangulating the data, we were able to understand where the problem of the so-called bilingual education is for the deaf. From all this analysis, we propose a guiding booklet in order to provide subsidies based on linguistic information to those who work directly in deaf education, as well as to the families of these students. The thesis is organized into six chapters. In the first chapter, we present a detailed documental analysis of the legislation that ensures the deaf student the right to bilingual education. In the second chapter, we bring an overview of theoretical studies of the processes of acquisition and learning of first and second language. In the third chapter, we present some studies on bilingualism with a focus on the bilingualism of the deaf. In chapter four, we present the methodology as a guiding resource for the research. In chapter five, the semi-structured interviews are presented, and we invite the reader to reflect on the triangulation of data. Finally, in the last chapter, we propose a guiding booklet for family members of deaf students. We understand that, based on this research, other proposals, programs, and primers can be produced to contribute to a truly bilingual education for the deaf.

Interna - 1552210 - ROZANA REIGOTA NAVES
Externa à Instituição - EDINEIDE DOS SANTOS SILVA - UFAL
Externa à Instituição - MARISA DIAS LIMA - UFU
Externa à Instituição - Renata Antunes de Souza - SEEDF
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/04/2023 11:50
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