Didactic Sequence, High School, Biology, Teaching by Investigation.
This research discusses how the contents of the Cerrado Biome are approached in Biology High School, showing that, in most textbooks, the biome in question is focused in a traditional and fragmented way. However, it has been observed that this conception is being modified with the use of other didactic resources. In particular, the use of videos in the classroom, which has contributed to innovating the practice of Biology teachers and awakening the attention and interest of students. This work aims to build a Didactic Sequence (DS) that will use videos about the Cerrado biome available on the internet to help Biology teachers in approaching the Cerrado biome in their Biology classes. A careful selection of material for use in the classroom was carried out, aiming to address aspects related to conservation, phytophysiognomies, water resources, among other topics of interest. Based on this selection, the didactic sequence (DS) was structured, consisting of a series of classes and investigative activities, guided to guide teachers and students in their activities. An evaluation of activities and learning through free narrative was proposed. Thanks to PROFBIO-UNB and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES.