About Nails and Tools: animal culture from the contribution of capuchin monkeys(Sapajuslibidinosus)
Animal Culture; Primatology; Capuchin monkeys; Anthropology of Science;Ethology
There are many attributes and characteristics that, throughout history, have sought toseparatehumans from the rest of the animals, the latter being defined, mainly, by the absenceofattributes found in the former. Ethology, the science that studies animal behavior, carriedouta true scientific revolution by carrying out research and questions about the social andculturalaspects of animal behavior, especially in Primatology, the science that studies primates, whichuntil then were investigated almost exclusively , for biological aspects. Fromthis context, thisdissertation aims to carry out an investigation, in the field of anthropology of science, onanimal culture, mainly primate culture, based on inscriptions in specific scientific articlesbyprimatologists, and will focus on the contribution of a species of neotropical primates, thecapuchin monkeys. Therefore, chapter 1 will contextualize the debate on animal cultureinaddition to bringing a new approach to understanding and investigating this issue andchapter2 will focus on demonstrating the contributions of capuchin monkeys to the notionof animalculture based on inscriptions on the notions of tool use, social learning, culture andsocialtradition within scientific articles.