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DATE: 03/07/2024
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: plataforma teams

Innovation Governance Model in the Scientific and Technological Park of the University of Brasília


Scientific and Technological Park; Governance Model; Innovation

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

Science and Technology Parks (PCTs) play a fundamental role in promoting integration between academic knowledge, companies and markets, encouraging the active participation of universities in regional economic development. Furthermore, these innovation environments promote a cultural change in companies, highlighting the importance of continuous innovation. This study focuses on the Scientific and Technological Park of the University of Brasília (PCTec/UnB), a body linked directly to the Rectory of UnB. Despite its organizational importance, PCTec/UnB is still little known both inside and outside the university, both technically and formally. Created in 2007 by Resolution of the FUB Board of Directors No. 14/2007, PCTec/UnB is still structuring its internal processes and looking for effective ways to interact with the different innovation agents at UnB and the community in general. The study aims to fill this gap in knowledge and structure. The research is exploratory and focuses on the development stage of research in Brazilian universities, addressing topics of Innovation and Governance Models. The methodology used is inductive, based on bibliographical research and analysis of various sources of evidence, including articles indexed in databases such as Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scielo, and repositories of educational institutions, in addition to legislation on government websites. The main objective of this study is to evaluate which governance models can be applied to PCTec/UnB. To achieve this, three specific objectives were defined: 1) explain existing governance models; 2) compare governance models applicable to PCTs at federal universities; and 3) determine which models are most suitable for PCTec/UnB. The development of a specific Innovation Governance Model for PCTec/UnB is essential. The study seeks to explain in detail the existing governance models and identify best practices, adapting a model that meets the specific needs of PCTec/UnB. The analysis carried out offers practical recommendations for the implementation of governance models in the PCTs of federal universities, aiming to optimize the management and performance of these parks. These recommendations promote innovation, economic development and scientific progress. In short, the study on PCTec/UnB seeks not only to understand appropriate governance models, but also to contribute to greater efficiency and effectiveness in the management of university science and technology parks. This, in turn, will strengthen the connection between academia and the market, boosting innovation and regional development. This work is crucial for PCTec/UnB, as it aims to clarify and improve its governance processes, promoting greater interaction between the university and the market, which is essential for the economic and scientific development of the region. The application of best practices in governance will contribute to making PCTec/UnB a reference model among PCTs at federal universities, benefiting both the academic community and the business sector.

Interna - 2255425 - TALITA SOUZA CARMO
Externa ao Programa - 1601059 - RENATA AQUINO DA SILVA - UnBExterna à Instituição - TECIA VIEIRA CARVALHO - NEPEN
Notícia cadastrada em: 28/06/2024 08:03
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