Banca de DEFESA: Karla da Costa Cartaxo Melo

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Karla da Costa Cartaxo Melo
DATE: 02/03/2023
TIME: 09:30
LOCAL: plataforma teams

Innovation in the legal instrument of Partnership Agreement for the development of cultivars: new relations between the public sector and the private sector.


innovation; cultivars; partnerships.

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração
SUBÁREA: Administração de Setores Específicos

The project proposes innovation of legal strategies, implemented through contracts, to establish partnerships between the public and private sectors, with a view to the development of cultivars, with the establishment of a business model, aimed at the sustainability of production chains, and with that guaranteeing the continuity of research focused on Brazilian agriculture. The aim is to make it possible for the public and private sector to walk together to meet mutual interests, with this, the public sector guarantees the continuity of essential production chains for society, while the private sector supplies itself with the technology necessary for the sector's own survival. productive. The legal instrument called Partnership Agreement for the production and multiplication of seeds will legitimize the business model and provide legal certainty for the parties involved. The partnership established through this arrangement favors not only the agribusiness giant, but the small rural producer, who will be able to provide themselves with quality cultivars for the performance of their activities. Everyone will benefit, from the agribusiness giants, even small rural producers, research institutions, the market and society itself. Another important factor in the relationship that is intended to be established with the conclusion of this partnership are issues of food security, insofar as it guarantees the production of food for distribution.

Presidente - 135.953.018-54 - ADRIANA REGINA MARTIN - UnB
Externo à Instituição - MARCIO PACHECO DA SILVA
Externo à Instituição - PAULO AFONSO GRANJEIRO
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/02/2023 16:17
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