Banca de DEFESA: Luigi Lucas de Carvalho Silva

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Luigi Lucas de Carvalho Silva
DATE: 21/12/2023
TIME: 09:30

Angular power spectrum of galaxies and cosmic microwave background lensing: validation of the CCL and NumCosmo libraries.


Standard cosmological model, cross-correlation, galaxies, cosmic microwave backgroung, gavitational lensing.

PAGES: 120
BIG AREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
AREA: Física

With the increase in the volume of observational data obtained from astronomical surveys and the improvement in the accuracy of these data, statistical errors in the estimates of cosmological and astrophysical parameters are being surpassed by systematic errors. To better constrain these parameters and minimize the impact of systematic errors on analyses, in addition to calculating the angular power spectrum of a certain cosmological probe, another tool is gaining importance: the cross-angular power spectrum between probes of different natures. Furthermore, with the improved precision of the data, it is also necessary for numerical calculations to have sufficient precision so that numerical errors do not interfere with data analyses. Therefore, the comparison and validation of different computational libraries are essential to ensure such precision. In this work, we focus on the theoretical calculation of auto- and cross-angular power spectra of galaxies and the gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). To do this, we conduct a literature review of the standard cosmological model to obtain the linear matter power spectrum. Next, we address the calculation of the two-point correlation and, consequently, the angular power spectrum. We then discuss two matter tracers: the distribution of galaxies and CMB lensing. Finally, we perform the numerical calculation of auto- and cross- power spectra using the programming libraries Core Cosmology Library (CCL) and Numerical Cosmology (NumCosmo), which are used by the Dark Energy Science Collaboration of the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (DESC/LSST). We calculate the relative difference between the results of both libraries and discuss the numerical accuracy of these calculations.

Externa à Instituição - CAMILA PAIVA NOVAES - INPE
Presidente - 2993768 - MARIANA PENNA LIMA VITENTI
Externa ao Programa - 1412911 - VANESSA CARVALHO DE ANDRADE - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/12/2023 15:22
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