magic realism; spectral realism; inaesthetics; Alain Badiou.
This study argues that the nueva narrativa hispanoamericana instituted the trajectory of a new literary thought, from the “inaesthetics” of Alain Badiou (2008), and not a mere poetic rhetoric called "magic realism". The innovative relational logical experimentation between the sense effects "real" and "marvelous", of intercalary conjunction, produced an undecidable space between contradictory signs, from materials and layers of the past or the future merged in the present, thus conforming a phantasmal form. In this sense, a series of novels developed a radically new literary form, capable of making visible the invisible Hispanic American spectres, unfolding as literary thought a realism of the ghosts of the periphery or a spectral realism, in which the novels perceptively investigate modern power, defacing the idea of a progress in the history of global capitalism, through the diegetic exposition of a complex mythical structure of power, in the sensitive distinction of various ritual and sacrificial procedures. To this end, we analyze Asturias El Señor Presidente (1946), which proves to be the work of irruption of the new form; El reino deste mundo (1949) and Pedro Páramo (1955), which gave existence to and developed the first formal consequences of spectral realism; Cien años de soledad (1967), which presents a negative standardization of the new form; and, finally, McOndo (1996), which attempts to destroy the thought of the ghost realism of the periphery