Banca de DEFESA: Daniel Gutenberg Eloi Anchieta

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Daniel Gutenberg Eloi Anchieta
DATE: 21/06/2024
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Videoconferência -

Architecture for Tomorrow: Utopia and Hope.


Architecture; Utopia; Ernst Bloch; Aura; Allegory.

PAGES: 192
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Architecture has always had a connection with utopia; however, we currently find some authors that portray that it would be impossible for both utopia to exist and for architecture to seek to be critical. Architecture has been fully integrated into capitalism and therefore would have lost any power to be critical and to participate in the debate, to have a social role. It would be doomed to be just a means of ideological reproduction. This research seeks to investigate this premise, and whether it could be incorrect, with a view of the end of history that would not have occurred. To then investigate how there could currently be an architecture that seeks to be something beyond just construction and tectonics, that aims to challenge the premises of reality. In search of conceptualizing and guiding utopia, this work draws on the philosopher Ernst Bloch to understand what a concrete utopia would be like, one that seeks the real and is not merely an ideal plan. Through Bloch's anthropology and his understanding of the process of history, we seek to understand how we could apply his theory to architecture, in search of an architecture full of hope, oriented towards tomorrow. After investigating utopia, we analyzed the proposal for utopian realism in architecture, understanding that the task of a movement that seeks to be utopian and real would be to demonstrate the auratic character of architecture, in serving as a means of masking the real. Thus, through understanding the concept of aura, symbol, and allegory in several authors, this work sought to propose a thesis on how to create and conceive a possible path for this contemporary architecture, not a completely decided plan to avoid the authoritarianism of old utopianisms, but a proposal that acknowledges the twists and turns of history, yet resists through a militant hope, aiming for an architecture for tomorrow, an architecture for humanity.

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Notícia cadastrada em: 20/05/2024 18:39
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