Banca de DEFESA: Fernanda Moreira

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Fernanda Moreira
DATE: 12/12/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência
Evaluation of thermal performance of extensive green roof: case study in the climate context of Brasilia -DF

thermal comfort, bioclimatism, extensive green roof; Brasília; building performance simulation.

PAGES: 121
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Improving the thermal performance of buildings through bioclimatic and sustainable solutions such as the use of green envelopes has been the subject of several studies at an international and national level. In this direction, this work is dedicated to the study of an extensive green roof located in the Liceu Francês building in Brasília – DF, a city characterized as high-altitude tropical climate, with two distinct seasons: hot and humid period: summer; hot and dry period: winter. The methodological procedures are configured in three stages: bibliographic review on green roofs, their state of the art and their typologies, with emphasis on the authors Dunnet and Kingsbury (2004), Saadatian (2013), Castleton and Jafall (2012); Romero (2019) lists design actions and recommendations considering the existence of bioclimatic legislation; rules and regulations were also reviewed that contemplate the use of green roofs, in particular tax incentives and government programs in force on a global, national and local scale; climatic characterization of Brasília and computer simulation methods for vegetated roofs. Sketchup Web version was used in the simulation for classroom modeling and the calculation tool Energy Plus version 22.1.0 for thermal simulations. The sensitivity analysis method is explored with the simulation of the green roof in its current condition and two more scenarios: one that replaces the vegetated roof with fibrocement roof with a natural finish; and finally, a fibrocement roof with the external face painted white. It is concluded that the use of the extensive green roof promotes reductions in thermal loads for cooling when compared to the conventional fiber cement tile typologies and the white painted version. The reductions in thermal loads varied by over 93% (42.5 kWh/m². year). The thermal balance for the period of summer (February) and end of winter (September) was also analyzed for the three types of coverage and evapotranspiration was the parameter that proved to be the most relevant to decrease the cooling demand, being the roof green the best coverage in thermal performance for both periods evaluated.

Externo ao Programa - 1225765 - GUSTAVO DE LUNA SALES
Presidente - 6404902 - MARTA ADRIANA BUSTOS ROMERO
Externo à Instituição - RODRIGO STUDART CORREA - UnB
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/11/2022 09:38
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