AFRORRURALITIES AND TERRITORIAL POLICIES: Bem Viver and Identity of Quilombola Territories as Urban Planning Instruments
traditional peoples; territorial policies; quilombo
The territorial problem of quilombola communities is updated with the neoliberal urban development that has been taking place since the 1980s with the dismantling of States that have a management based on land exploitation and expropriation of rights, among other points. Rapid population growth, intensifies industrial restructuring, increases at ever-increasing levels the polarization of social classes, precariousness in the functioning of public institutions in general, and which contributes to triggering territorial conflicts that also affect quilombola reminiscences.
Thus, this study intends to show the need to consider the Afro-descendant rural specificity – Afro-rurality – within the context of the development of urban territorial planning, raising the question of how Bem Viver and Afro-rural identity can dialogue with the territorial policies of the State, because, federal, state and municipal government bodies, in addition to public service concessionaires, in the implementation of urban policies aimed at improving, territorial policy instruments, such as master plans, and these need to be linked to the specific cosmovision of these traditional communities alignment planning urban development and economic, environmental and social sustainability of these peoples and safeguard of these sites.
And it is understood through the problem presented and the proposed approach that it is necessary to align the legal bases that guarantee the safeguard of quilombola reminiscences, the characterization and understanding as a social technology of traditional knowledge and public policies of urban planning aimed at territorial preservation and identity of this population. And based on these aspects, this project intends to use as a case study Quilombo Mesquita, a community located in the municipality of Cidade Oeste (GO), which was certified as a quilombola reminiscence by the Palmares Cultural Foundation in 2006, had its territory delimited by INCRA through the Report Identification and Delimitation Technician in 2011.