Federal District; land occupation; urban legislation; housing land regularization; Reurb; land irregularity.
This paper discusses the housing irregularity of the Federal District and aims to evaluate the district's land regularization policy, focusing on the timeframe initiated with the approval of the current Master Plan for Territorial Planning, Complementary Law No. 803/2009. The background to the construction of the city points to the influence of modernist urbanism on territorial expansion and the origins of the land valuation process. Successive land use plans contrast with the consolidation of informal settlements and show how the growth of the real city interfered with formal planning, as well as highlighting territorial tensions and disputes that persist to this day. The housing policy practiced in the Federal District, characterized for many years by the removal of "invasions" and the distribution of semi-urban lots, has given way to the current guideline that favors the permanence of occupants and the qualification of illegally implanted urban nuclei. Different conceptions of irregularity are presented, as well as some lines of action based on the two paradigms of land regularization that have stood out in Latin America: the Peruvian, centered on the legal regularization of lots; and the Brazilian, aligned with a conception of full land regularization. From this context, the research looks at the approval of the current Urban Land Regularization - Reurb instrument and observes to what extent its implementation has met the demand for housing land regularization in the Federal District. The investigation is guided by a historical approach and presupposes the study of political, social, economic and cultural interfaces, using bibliographical and documentary research to support the reflections. A legal-urban analysis of Reurb is carried out in the light of the national legal system, under the terms of Law No. 13.465/2017 and its antecedents, as well as its application and regulation at the district level. Based on the compilation and cross-referencing of official data, an updated overview of housing irregularities and land regularization processes is presented in order to demonstrate the expressiveness of actions by administrative regions and according to the modalities of the instrument: specific interest (Reurb-E) and social interest (Reurb-S). The studies indicate the contribution of Reurb to tackling informality, although they point to the greater progress and completion of land regularization processes for middle-income occupations, to the detriment of the less privileged groups.